[Avodah] who is a talmid chacham

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 04:44:34 PDT 2012

<< Isn't this explicitly rejected, though?  A poor person's korban is
just as valuable as a rich person's.  Also, "echad hamarbeh ve'echad
hamam'it", and "Rachamana liba ba'i" >>

For reward in heaven it depends on effort and not achievement.
However, the privileges in this world depend on a high level of achievement.
Thus, for example the case of a TC goes first in a bet din and perhaps in a
line for a private doctor.
One stands up for a TC.
In theory a TC does not pay certain taxes, for exceptional cases one says a
bracha on seeing a gadol.

On certainly is not required to stand up for someone who diligently spends
hours going over Rashi on the parsha
because he has a poor background.
There is a story of someone who was a bal teshuva late in life and spent a
long time learning one daf of gemara and became ill.
RMF paskened that he could say a siyum on one daf because of his efforts.
No doubt he gets a great reward however he
certainly is not a TC to stand up for or to receive breaks on taxes and
going ahead on line.

Eli Turkel
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