[Avodah] Psak she'ein hatzibbur yecholin laamod bo

Ben Waxman ben1456 at zahav.net.il
Thu May 31 12:21:55 PDT 2012

Its been  a while since I looked at lifnei iver, but if this is simply 
an old halacha, than wouldn't the rules of lifnei iver apply? For 
example, if you lived near someone or  who has an unsecured wireless 
modem broadcasting (assuming that it is OK to use someone's account) or 
you live near an Internet hot spot, than according to some opinions 
there wouldn't be any issue of lifnei iver (yes?).


On 5/31/2012 4:54 AM, kennethgmiller at juno.com wrote:
> Suppose someone would say that speaking Lashon Hara over the telephone is assur. Would anyone think that this is a new gezera? It is pretty straightforward to me that it is not a new gezera, but an old halacha.

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