[Avodah] Recording people without their knowledge

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Thu May 10 09:58:33 PDT 2012

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 07:16:42AM -0500, Lisa Liel wrote:
>> On 5/9/2012 7:39 PM, Moshe Y. Gluck wrote:
>>>> V'ahavta L'reiacha Kamocha.

>>> Please elaborate.  I don't see it.

>> Not sure what you're asking. Unless you mean recording them and not sharing
>> the recording with others?

> How is sharing the recording a violation of v'ahavta l'reiacha k'mocha?

If the recording is without their knowledge because you assume
they wouldn't agree to being recorded, presumably he doesn't want it
shared. Doing what they don't want would be ma desani lakh, and thus a
violation of ve'ahavta lereiakha kamokha.

Tir'u baTov!

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