[Avodah] Aharon entering the kodesh hakodashim

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 01:28:22 PDT 2012

from Doron Beckerman
<< The idea that Aharon was allowed to enter whenever he wanted if he
the order in the parshah is a Medrash Rabbah. The Gaon said that this
concept explains why a) only the ram is mentioned from among all the
korbanos mussaf of YK, since that ram was needed for Aharon even not on YK;
b) why the pashut pshat of the parshah indicates only three tevilos when
TSBP tells us there were 5. Aharon would follow peshuto shel mikra, while
the five were on YK ledoros. >>

I also heard from REMT (my edit)
<<  the parsha make no mention of Yom Kippur throughout, only "B'zos yavo
Aharon el hakodesh
and only Aharon and not the cohen gadol is mentioned until the end  (2) The
g'mara in Yoma derives the five t'vilos and ten kiddushin from p'sukim and
from a halacha l'Moshe miSinai.

    The answer to the first is the Gra's chiddush that Aharon could indeed
go in whenever he wanted to, provided that "b'zos yavo Aharon el hakodesh."
 The answer to the second is that the five t'villos/ten kiddushin is not a
requirement of kodesh hakodashim entry; for that, three is the requirement,
and the parsha is written in order.  The five/ten requirement taught by the
HlMmS is a din in avodas Yom Kippur. >>

In summary the medrash as expanded by the Gra says that the parsha is
talking about a personal entry by Aharon and only in pesukim 28-30 is the
general story given for all generations.

Though REMT gives a partial answer it is still not completely clear why the
halachot are different between Aharon's personal entry and that of the
Cohen Gadol on YK Le-dorot.
I once heard an answer from RYBS but can no longer locate it,. If anyone
knows it would be appreciated

Eli Turkel
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