[Avodah] Daily Halacha- Daled iyar

mendel zirkind mendelz775 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 20:04:30 PDT 2012

   - *שו"ת נזר יצחק *
   - * לעילוי נשמת א"מ ר' יצחק הכ"מ בן ר' אליעזר צבי זאב שליט" א      *

this e-mail is l'zchus my father הכ"מ we would like the family to learn
this daily halacha לעילוי נשמתו, (if you have any ideas, *comments* etc. as
well as if you have some friends family etc, that whats  to* join* pls
e-mail me atmendelz775 at gmail.com_).

Question: When is the latest time for making the brocha by קידוש לבנה?

Answer: The gemara[1]<file:///F:/Question%D7%A1%D7%95%D7%A3%20%D7%96%D7%9E%D7%9F%20%D7%A7%D7%99%D7%93%D7%95%D7%A9%20%D7%9C%D7%91%D7%A0%D7%94.docx#_ftn1>quotes
R’ Yehuda that one makes a brocha on seeing the new moon the word
used isבחידושה. Based on this it is understood that the brocha is made only
as long as the moon is in its “new” state בחידושה. The poskim argue as to
when the moon is considered to still be in its “new” state. The opinions of
the baalei shulcahn aruch agree that one counts from the time of מולד (i.e.
literally the birth of the new moon). However, the
we count 15 days from the
מולד (dividing the month of 30 days in half), and therefore one no longer
can say לבנה קידוש with a brocha from the beginning of the 16th day. The
we count 14 and a half days (.14 days.12 hours .782 parts of a hour)
in a 24 hour cycle[4]<file:///F:/Question%D7%A1%D7%95%D7%A3%20%D7%96%D7%9E%D7%9F%20%D7%A7%D7%99%D7%93%D7%95%D7%A9%20%D7%9C%D7%91%D7%A0%D7%94.docx#_ftn4>
לעת(dividing the month of 29 and a half days) and therefore one no longer
can say לבנה קידוש with a brocha from the beginning of the 15th day.

There are however some
calculate this time period from Rosh Chodesh, which would in some
this can give an extra day to make the brocha.
until the 17
th as the latest date. Some
the Rebbeim said
לבנה קידוש with a brocha even after the 16th day.

If one forgot to say לבנה קידוש till after the 17th, he can read לבנה
קידושfrom the gemara, (for learning it is like doing the mitzvah), and
to some opinions even
ומלכות .

Daily inspiration:

Life consists of cycles, highs and lows. We sometimes can get too caught up
in one of them and think that it will last forever. We need to appreciate
the nature of life, if we understand the high with knowledge that it can
possibly change, we can look out for these things that can bring about a
low with it we can retain the high longer. The same is true about a low,
the knowledge that things change gives one the strength to go further.



סי' תכ"ו סעי' ג'


מגן אברהם שם ס"ק יב

ס' נוצר חסד פ"ד (הובא בס' טעמי המנהגים ע' ר')

חת"ס או"ח סי' ק"ב, ושו"ת השיב משה או"ח סי' י"ד

כפר חב"ד גליון 689 ע' 53, ובהתקשרות גליון תלח ע' 11

שוע"ר סי' רט"ו סעי' ב', ובמשנ"ב שם ס"ק יד. ובס' דרכי חיים ושלום סי' תצ"ה
כתב שהיה נוהג לברך (וכן משמע קצת מאג"ק של הרבי), ועי' בס' טעמי המנהגים ע'
קצט קונטרס אחרון שם סק"ד, ובשערי תשובה רטו:ד.
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