[Avodah] Vayigash

Liron Kopinsky liron.kopinsky at gmail.com
Sat Dec 31 23:01:09 PST 2011

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 4:29 PM, <cantorwolberg at cox.net> wrote:

> 46:7 Banav uv'nei vanav eeto B'NOSAV uv'nos banav v'chol zar'o...
> Yaakov had only one daughter, Dinah. Apart from her, we do not know
> of any other daughters in Leah's family. The Torah's use of the plural for
> "his daughters" cannot be justified unless there was at least one
> additional
> daughter who arrived in Egypt. This conceivably could be Yocheves but the
> Torah did not include Yocheves in the names of the people who journeyed to
> Mitzrayim with Yaakov. So what is meant by "his daughers?"

There is a midrash which says that each of the shevatim was born with a
twin daughter. So now you just need to figure out why those daughters were
not counted among the 70.

> 45:23 "To his father he sent the following...mi'tuv Mitzrayim..." Mituv
> Mitzrayim,"
> "the best of Egypt" which was a rather nebulous term, something which the
> Torah
> had not identified but rather referred to the quality of the various other
> items listed.
> In Megillah 16, "mi'tuv Mitzrayim" is described as referring to wine which
> had been
> aged for a long time. Bershis Rabbah 94:2 identified "mi'tuv Mitzrayim" as
> some kind
> of special white beans, a medication with anti-depressant properties. As a
> person who
> suffers from serious depression, I am going to purchase white beans and
> see if it indeed
> works. If so, perhaps a new medicinal cure from white beans can be
> developed. Stranger
> things have happened. (Perhaps, this is why cholent is so successful as a
> Shabbos meal.
> Its properties take away depression and hence, makes Shabbos so much
> better. Some of
> you may think I'm joking; but I'm NOT).

So presumably drinking a good aged wine is an anti-depressant too?

Kol Tuv,
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