[Avodah] Gid Hanasheh

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Mon Dec 12 12:53:56 PST 2011

Many meforshim on the story of Yaacov and the angel seem to connect the
gid hanasheh with the generative organ and the power of procreation.
Could someone explain what is the connection, apart from them both being
in the same general area?  Surely it has nothing to do with the mistaken
etymology that Ibn Ezra rejects, linking "nasheh" to "nashim".  There
must be some connection in inyan between the two, but I don't know what.
(When Avraham says "tachas yereichi" I assume it's a euphemism, and he
actually meant the milah; but here there's no question that it means the
sciatic nerve, so that answer won't work.)

Zev Sero        If they use these guns against us once, at that moment
zev at sero.name   the Oslo Accord will be annulled and the IDF will
                 return to all the places that have been given to them.
		                            - Yitzchak Rabin


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