[Avodah] Chillul HaShem when NJ are the observers

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Tue Nov 15 14:04:55 PST 2011

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 04:51:35PM -0500, Zev Sero wrote:
> On 15/11/2011 4:48 PM, Micha Berger wrote:
>> I dispute both your assumption of what minhag avoseinu was,

> Do you dispute that spitting when passing a church is minhag avoseinu?!

I doubt that spitting when observed by a nachri was done very often. I
doubt there ever was a minhag Yisrael that carried such risk of piquach

Nidon didan wasn't the case you cited either. It was spitting when
passing the galach.

In the meantime, you're not working on a definition of qiddush hasheim
that relates to the usage in Yuma. (Which is only as aggadic as the
entire topic.) The embarassing is a chilul hasheim, which appears to
explicitly validate the position you're arguing against.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             For a mitzvah is a lamp,
micha at aishdas.org        And the Torah, its light.
http://www.aishdas.org                   - based on Mishlei 6:2
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