[Avodah] Is there any issur here al pi halacha? - New York man pleads guilty to selling Israeli human organs

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Wed Nov 2 12:40:24 PDT 2011

On 2/11/2011 3:23 PM, Rich, Joel wrote:
> R' Chaim disagrees with you - see the gilyonot on yesodei hatorah 5:1  in the water case where he says you give it to the two of them and they both die.

So what does he do with the pasuk?

Zev Sero        If they use these guns against us once, at that moment
zev at sero.name   the Oslo Accord will be annulled and the IDF will
                 return to all the places that have been given to them.
		                            - Yitzchak Rabin


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