[Avodah] P'ru Ur'vu

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Sun Oct 23 16:25:43 PDT 2011

At 06:04 PM 10/23/2011,Cantor Wolberg wrote:

>We are taught that the first mitzvah given us comes from the command 
>given first to Adam and Chava and then in the next
>parsha, to Noach. My question is: Neither were Jewish. How then, can 
>we say that the first mitzvah is incumbent on us since
>it was not given to Avraham Avinu or anyone afterward?  If you say 
>that the mitzvah was for all mankind, we know that it is not
>so, since it is not one of the sheva mitzvot b'nai Noach. So how do 
>you explain the mitzvah given to two non Jews?

RSRH considers P'ru Ur'vu as two of the "four sections  of man's 
mission" and "embody his whole free-willed moral development." The 
other two are kivshuha and miloo es ha'aretz as stated in Bereishis 1:28.

He writes, "P'ru refers to marriage; R'vu refers to the family; miloo 
refers to society; and kivshuha refers to  the acquisition of 
property.  Thus it seems to me that RSRH believes that the Torah 
obligates all of mankind to do these four things. YL
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