[Avodah] Loshon Hora

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Mon Dec 19 03:28:35 PST 2011

 From today's Hakhel email Bulletin.

>VERY IMPORTANT OBSERVATION:  We had received the following from 
>Rabbi Moshe Goldberger, Shlita, relating to this past week's Parsha:
>"Yosef brought bad reports to Father.  The Medrash says we learn to 
>avoid Loshon Hora.  What were the costs of those words?  Yosef was 
>in prison for 12 years.  His father who had listened suffered for 22 
>years.  Words can be very costly!"

However, it was because of this Loshon Hora that Yaakov and his 
family went down to Mitzraim and, as a result, the Jewish nation was 
created.  So this Loshon Hora brought about the most important 
development in history -  the creation of the Jewish people!

Are we to surmise from this that Loshon Hora can have positive 
benefits as well?  YL
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