[Avodah] Shevet HaLevi: Is There An Issur For Women To Stare At Men?

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Wed Oct 26 03:17:39 PDT 2011

>From  http://revach.net/article.php?id=4531

The Otzar Haposkim brings from Tshuras Shai (1:125) that a Shul must 
be set up in a way that the women's section is situated in a way that 
they cannot stare at the men.  He brings a raya from Chazal who say 
that the reason why the women were so lengthy in their words when 
Shaul HaMelech came, was in order to enjoy staring at him 
longer.  Rebbi Yosi responds that if you say that explanation you are 
accusing Bnos Yisroel of Znus.  From here he learns that a woman 
staring at the beauty of a man is assur just like the opposite scenario.

However, the Otzar Haposkim brings the Maharit who says that he never 
heard of any Shul that was makpid on this.  He says that men staring 
at women during tefila is assur MiDin but not vice versa.  He also 
brings proof and disproves the raya of the Tshuras Shai.

Rav Vosner (Shevet HaLevi 5:197:2) says that the proof of the Tshuras 
Shai is clear and certainly he is correct that it is assur for a 
woman to stare at a man.  This is a Lav of "Lo Sasuru... Acharei 
Eineichem" and applies to both genders.  However he says that there 
is no need to be machmir to make it impossible for women to see the 
men in Shul.  He says that there is an issur of Histaklus L'Sheim 
Ishus, staring with the intent of marital relations which applies to 
both genders. However the issur of Habata or gazing, only applies to 
men, since they are quicker to have Machshavos.  A woman can gaze at 
a man without any intent. Therefore, in Shul, the women can see the 
men since Habata is permitted, but the men may not see the women at all.
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