[Avodah] Kevius seudah on meat, cheese, potatoes, etc.

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Sun Oct 16 10:28:20 PDT 2011

In siman 639 the Taz quotes the Tur, who quotes RP (would that be
Rabbenu Peretz?) that while we pasken like the conclusion of the
gemara that there is no such thing as kevius for fruit, there is in
principle a kevius for meat or cheese, and one who makes his meal of
such foods needs a sukkah.  Then the Tur says that notwithstanding
this, since it's not the derech to make a meal of such foods, one who
does so is patur from sukkah.  Now it seems to me that this does not
apply nowadays.  Nowadays we all know that it is very much the derech
that the ikkar of ones meal is non-grain, even if one does have bread
with it, so a completely non-grain meal should be considered a kevius
like RP, and min hadin one should be required to eat it in a sukkah.
Any comments?

Zev - taking advantage of the miracle of WiFi to connect from the

Zev Sero
zev at sero.name

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