[Avodah] Rav Yisroel Salanter - Teshuva On The Same Aveiros Year, After Year, After Year....

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Wed Oct 5 05:42:05 PDT 2011

 From http://revach.net/article.php?id=1061

The Rambam says that real teshuva means that Hashem, who knows the 
secrets of your heart, must testify that you will never return to the 
aveira again. That is a tall order! Most people would not even be 
comfortable testifying on themselves. How can we do teshuva if it 
requires a 100% guarantee on the future?

Reb Yisroel Salanter answers with a question on this Rambam. He asks 
why does he say, Hashem "who knows what is hidden in the heart". 
Shouldn't it say "who knows the future." Therefore he explains that 
the requirement of the Rambam is that a person must resolve honestly 
in the depths of his heart that will never do the aveira again. If he 
makes an honest resolution and really believes that he is so 
disgusted by the aveira that there is absolutely no possibility for 
him to slip yet again his teshuva is accepted. Even if he reverts to 
his old ways it does not negate the teshuva that he has done. That is 
why the Rambam says you need the testimony of Hashem who knows what 
thoughts lie in the heart of every man.

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