[Avodah] Vayhi bachatzi halayla

Poppers, Michael MPoppers at kayescholer.com
Mon Jan 31 21:02:58 PST 2011

In Avodah V28n16, RGD asked:
> My feeling is that not all of the events described in the piyut said at the seder Vayhi Bachatzi Halayla, were at midnight.  Avrohom Avinu's victory over the 4 kings, and makas bechoros, definitely were, but such events as Haman's writing his letters, Belshazar's downfall, Hashem's appearing to Lavan, etc. are at night, but not necessarily midnight. Can anyone confirm/deny/comment? <
One can also ask RYReisman's implied (from his shiur this past motzoei Shabbos on the subject of n'qamah) Q on the piyut: why isn't the incident with Rus reclining next to Boaz (see Rus 3:8) mentioned....

All the best from
-- Michael Poppers via BB pager

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