[Avodah] Taking A Hat Into A Bathroom

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Mon Jan 31 06:05:26 PST 2011

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 02:29:06AM +0000, kennethgmiller at juno.com wrote:
: Regarding the MB: Are you translating "tallis" as "jacket"? I know
: that these are some contexts where "tallis" is any generic garment,
: but later on that same MB mentions tefillin, tzitzis, and atifah. I
: can't imagine that this "tallis" is anything other than a ritual tallis
: gadol m'tzuyetzet.

No, I'm translating the kova haqatan that one needs despite having
a tallis over one's head as a requirement to have 2 head coverings.
"Af shehu mekhaseh rosho behatallis gam kein."

Actually, I'm not; I'm repeating an argument for a practice I don't
follow. The implication I was told was that even with atifah, one needs a
2nd head covering, and thus without a tallis over one's head, one needs
something more than a yarmulka.

Add to this that the MB cites the Bach that the hat (yarmulke) plus
tallis is required for all of davening.

So the MB is taken as making the SA's requirement for kisui rosh when
making berakhos or davening to be a second kisui beyond yarmulke.

I do not know how this argument works for wearing a jacket with a
tallis, though. In one case, they take the implication to mean that if
you are davening without a tallis over your head, you need something
else. However, in the other case they don't limit the need for a jacket
to times when they aren't wearing a tallis.

As for me, see the AhS 8:5 who plays down the need for atifas rosh (c.f.
tallis qatan) and thus this whole diyuq halashon in the MB doesn't
come up.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             The trick is learning to be passionate in one's
micha at aishdas.org        ideals, but compassionate to one's peers.
Fax: (270) 514-1507

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