[Avodah] Taking A Hat Into A Bathroom

kennethgmiller at juno.com kennethgmiller at juno.com
Mon Jan 24 18:02:01 PST 2011

If a person has a hat or jacket which he truly wears only for tefilla (and incidental times, such as to and from tefilla), then indeed, I see no reason why it would be different from a tallis or kittel.

But if he would also wear it to other "dress-up" occasions, such as a wedding or a bris, then it is not truly "meyuchad l'tefilla", then it is merely part of his "dress-up" wardrobe, and it was never his intention to imbue it with the kedusha of tashmishei mitzva, and there would be no problem wearing it into the bathroom. I would imagine this to be true even if most of the time it is worn for tefilla and only occasionally for other events; it doesn't seem much different than the tenai made on what is allowed to be done in a shul, or with one's tallis bag.

And certainly, if one wears his hat and jacket wherever he goes (as is common in certain circles), this whole question doesn't even begin.

Akiva Miller

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