[Avodah] R Chiya Raba

kennethgmiller at juno.com kennethgmiller at juno.com
Sun Jan 16 12:34:50 PST 2011

R' Micha Berger asked:

> As I understand him, the CI (YD, Hilkhos Tereifos 5:3; Yevamos
> 57:3) is saying there was an exact time of transition from the
> era of Torah to the era of Geulah. That's different than saying
> that time was the year 4000 AM on the nose. Just as the year
> 2000 AM (in a chronology the CI would accept) doesn't mark any
> notable event I'm aware of -- Migdal Bavel was 1996 AM, Noach
> dies in 2006, Beris Bein haBesarim is 2018.

According to Gemara Avoda Zara 9a, in answering this very question, the year 2000 marked the pasuk "v'es hanefesh asher asu b'charan." (Bereshis 12:5)

Or, as phrased by Rav Aryeh Kaplan's "The Torah Anthology" on that pasuk (vol 2, pg 22), referring to Avram, who had been born in 1948: "When he was 52 years old, he began spreading his doctrine in the world."

Akiva Miller

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