[Avodah] just because...

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Fri Jan 28 09:46:52 PST 2011

> Just because God can supply people with organs after Techiyat Hameitim,
> it doesn't mean that He necessarily will......for example......He can
> bring Moshiach Now, but thus far He has chosen not to.....

I fail to see what difference it makes whether the organ is removed to
help someone else, or left to rot in the ground.  Either way, in order
to refashion a working body Hashem will have to recreate the organ
except for those few who will have died shortly before THM.

But then, I don't understand why people in Chazal's day thought that
cremation was a way to deny THM, and therefore why Chazal declared that
one who has himself cremated has no Chelek.   Surely people realised
that the same God Who can recreate a body from dusty bones can do so
just as easily from ashes.  Surely they didn't think that if someone
was ChV burned in a house fire he would not come back in THM, or that
R Chananya ben Tradion would not come back in THM.  So why were the
apikorsim having themselves burned, and why did Chazal react to it
with such horror?

Zev Sero                      The trouble with socialism is that you
zev at sero.name                 eventually run out of other people’s money
                                                      - Margaret Thatcher
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