[Avodah] 100 kolos?

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Fri Sep 18 12:08:43 PDT 2009

On Fri, 18 Sep 2009, at 13:28:20 EDT, RAM asked:
:                                           But when we blow "tekiah
: shevarim-teruah tekiah", shouldn't that also count as three? But in
: actual practice, in order to reach the goal of 100 sounds, we count them
: as *four*.

Aggadically, they are two sounds, which is why we don't blow
teru'ah-shevarim -- because people don't cry in a yelulei yalil followed
by a genunei ganach pattern very often.

I think the rishonim who hold that the toqei'ah is supposed breathe
between the halves of a shevarim teru'ah use this as a raayah -- we
count them as two qolos. The SA 590:4, MB 590:20 and Shaar haTziyun 18
have you blow them in two breaths by the teqi'os deme'umad, and one by
the tzqi'os demeyushav.

Elef haMagen #22 even recommends the maqri say the words in one breath
or two as a reminder to the toqei'ah.

The Rama (ad loc, 590:4) disagrees with the SA, says the minhag is to
use two breaths, and one should not change the minhag.

I believe today the minhag (outside of the Yekkies, I don't know what
they do) is to follow the SA and MB's recommendation.

Not sure I understand the point of that compromise, since if the 100
qolos implies a requirement to take a breath, then one didn't get 100
qolos. And if it being a qiyum of the original teru'ah deOraisa implies
one should blow the shevarim-teru'ah as one breath, then one isn't even
doing anything with shevarim-teru'os deme'umad.

The ikkar while blowing all these kolos, shevarim, terua'ah and
shevarim-teru'ah, is how far Chazal went to insure that at least for
the mitzvah of shofar, we would all do the same thing. The fact that it
became divided -- Brisker shevarim, one breath vs two breaths, etc... just
proves that the sitra achara is real. It just had to cause new doubts,
so that in our uncertainty the unity is again broken. (Kind of like the
way eiruv, based on the notion of the unity of kelal Yisrael, so often
is the topic of communal fights.)


Micha Berger             Like a bird, man can reach undreamed-of
micha at aishdas.org        heights as long as he works his wings.
http://www.aishdas.org   But if he relaxes them for but one minute,
Fax: (270) 514-1507      he plummets downward.   - Rav Yisrael Salanter

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