[Avodah] YT Sheini Shell Golah and the Internet

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Wed Sep 9 12:26:02 PDT 2009

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com wrote:

> In the good old days there were 2 classes of YT observance 
> YT Rishon only - within the perimeter of "maqom shemaggim sham
> hashluchim", And outisde that perimeter where 2 days were observed
> Given today's comunications the entire world is notifiable virtually
> instantly. [Exempt RH because on YT internet or phone is probably not
> shayyach]
> So maqqom magiim is really now the entire world including our Golah

Ein hachi nami; when kiddush hachodesh al pi har'iyah will be renewed,
YT Sheni will probably disappear, except for RH.  And there won't be
any shluchim, just a tweet, which will automatically update everyone's

> So - except for RH -
> Since the gzeira-taqqana is no longer applicable
> Therefore why observe 2 days of YT nowadays in the golah?

I don't understand the question.  What has that got to do with now,
when we don't have KhChAPhR?  We don't keep YT Sheni now because of
a safek, we keep it because "shalchu mitam" -- the Sanhedrin told us
to keep it.  It's a halacha d'rabbanan, just like chicken and milk.
What difference can it possibly make how far the news could spread,
were there any news *to* spread?  If you're in a place where the
shluchim didn't reach back when there were shluchim, and therefore
"minhag avotechem" was to keep two days, then the Sanhedrin ordered
that you keep two days; whether a 2nd day will be kept there in the
3rd BHMK times is irrelevant.

Zev Sero                      The trouble with socialism is that you
zev at sero.name                 eventually run out of other people’s money
                                                     - Margaret Thatcher

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