[Avodah] Investigating converts' sincerity

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 10:05:25 PDT 2009

Michael Makovi:
> I'm not saying we should just let anyone at all in. But why not be a
> bit lax? That is, ask them if they'll be observant, but don't go over
> them with a fine-toothed comb. And certainly, don't investigate them
> after the fact; after the giyur, if someone comes with testimony that
> the ger ate pork, just don't listen to the witness.

I would make a hilluq between indviduals and masses

As in the time of Ezra - Israel is facing a massive influx of "quasi-Jews"
from former Soviet Union etc.

So on an individual bases, rachmanus might be the way to go

Yet on a massive basis, perhaps political and societal pressures call
for middas haddin

Shimon ben Shetach had 80 witches executed in a day.

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