[Avodah] imponderables

kennethgmiller at juno.com kennethgmiller at juno.com
Mon Aug 17 20:08:48 PDT 2009

R' Eli Turkel referred to R. Reisman's book Pathways of the Prophets.

> 1. He quotes MB 638-24 that one can write verses (not in
> whole Torah) only for education. He then notes that the
> universal minhag is to quote verses on succah decorations.
> ... I would guess that since this is universal MB is not
> accepted - any ideas?

"Universal"? Hardly. I've seen many invitations and decorations which did not have pskuim on them.

Are these conclusions based on what ordinary people do, or on what poskim pasken? I'd be very slow to conclude that the MB is "not accepted". I'd be much quicker to guess that people either haven't seen that MB, or they mistakenly think that since "Everyone does it, it must be okay." 

> 2. If one holds like Rabbenu Tam how can one make early
> shabbat which would be before plag hamincha of R. Tam (ie 75
> minutes before shkia of R. Tam). He tries to answer that even
> according to R. Tam plag hamincha is before physical sunset
> sounds farfetched to me

Sounds far-fetched to me too. Try this idea instead: This whole question is relevant only for someone who holds that Rabenu Tam's zmanim are the ikar halacha. I don't know anyone like that personally, although we did once have a listmember who did hold that way, and tried to convince the rest of us that he was right. For everyone else, Rabenu Tam is merely a chumra.

My proof is that if this were a real problem, it would be a problem not only when "making early Shabbos", but for much of the year it would be a problem simply to light the candles!

For example, let's take January 1 in New York City, when sunrise is at 7:20 AM and sunset is at 4:38 PM. Allowing 72 minutes for twlight gives us a 6:08 AM Alos, a 5:50 PM Tzeis, a Shaah Zmanis of 58.5 minutes, and Plag Hamincha at 4:36:53 PM. That is long after the published Candle Lighting time of 4:20 PM (18 minutes before sunset). Anyone who holds by Rabenu Tam as the Ikar Halacha would be making a bracha l'vatala if they'd light candles more than one minute (and seven seconds) before sunset.

The same day in Yerushalayim sees sunrise at 6:39 AM and sunset at 4:45 PM. The above calculations would put Plag Hamincha at 4:38:52 PM, giving you more than six minutes to satisfy both shitos. But that's not how it is done in Yerushalayim. The minhag there (AFAIK) is to allow 90 minutes for twilight, putting Plag Hamincha at 4:53:07 PM, more than 8 minutes AFTER shkiah, and I haven't mentioned (yet) that candles were already lit *40* minutes beforehand!

> 4. Why does the chazzan turn to the ark when saying Gadlu?

Because that's what the siddur says to do!!! (ArtScroll does, at least. I'm not sure how many others.)

(I will spare you my repeated ranting on this topic. Anyone who wants more details about my views on Halachos And Siddurim, please see my post in Avodah 4:194 at http://tinyurl.com/n8azhn)

Akkiva Miller

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