[Avodah] the mordechai

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 10:29:00 PDT 2009

> Mordechai ben Hillel, the "Mordechai" (~1230-1298). A descendent of 
> the Ravyah, he was a principle disciple of the Maharam miRottenberg," 
Several more points of interest: 
Like the Rosh The Mordechai AFAiK used the Rif as his basic text --
adding Pisqei Tosafos
[See the sefer me'iras aynayim ChM 25 re: Toeh bidvar mishnah; that
the halachah is KeRif EXCEPT when Tosafos argues. It seems Mordechai
(and Rosh) usually followed this sheeta]
AIUI the Mordechai was the Main peirush on Talmud used by the Rema. Thus,
the Moredchai's heavy [yet underrated] influence on Ashkenazic P'saq.
PS I can also see parallels between the structure of the Darchei Moshe
Ho'oruch and that of the Mordechai.
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