[Avodah] Tzeni'us and gender roles

David Riceman driceman at att.net
Tue Aug 11 12:12:56 PDT 2009

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com wrote:
> How about a total-oversimplification?
> Why not: 
> 1. Allow or empower women to learn all the Torah they want - including
>    Yore Dei'ah?
> 2. Have these women learn lishma w/o any expectation of power or kavod?
> 3. Then in a generation allow the chips to fall where they may and no
>    one forces anything - rather It evolves?
Hasn't that already happened? I graduated Maimonides School in Boston in 
1975 (easily a generation) and the girls took the same limudei kodesh  
(including gemara) classes we did.

David Riceman

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