[Avodah] Tzeni'us and gender roles

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 06:21:55 PDT 2009

Meir Shinnar:
> This is reflective of mch of the discussion on "feminist" issues - people
> are willing to acknowledge a problem, are willing to acknowledge that
> the solution proposed answers the problem and is within the parameters of
> halacha, do not have a better solution - and yet are opposed to it because
> they ascribe impure motivations to either the male rabbis endorsing the
> proposal or the women involved - wihtout any evidence that they exist,
> nor, even if they did, that they should matter....

Conversely I have hears things like:
Since Behag will not allow women to read the Megilla 
Or since Rema prohibits women getting qabbalh on shechita
Or Since Rav Shaul Lieberman prohibited Semicha for women
Or Since Rav X prohibits women from saying Qaddish

Therefore they have a misogynistic agenda.

With no regard to their halachic analysis

So this works both ways.

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