[Avodah] Tisha b'Av and Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Wed Aug 5 21:27:13 PDT 2009

From: Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer _rygb at aishdas.org_ (mailto:rygb at aishdas.org) 

>> When frum  Jews call non-frum or less-frum Jews "Erev Rav," or "Nazis,"
or "Amalek,"  they are engaging in MSbP. They are defining themselves and
rationalizing  anything they might be doing by dehumanizing others. <<
There are no frum Jews who characterize /all/ non-frum Jews as "erev rav"  
let alone "Nazis."  
Bit of a straw man you've set up there.
Certainly many of the Russian olim who have had some kind of semi-kosher  
gerus for the sake of Israeli citizenship are, in fact, erev rav.  In  
America, the non-Jewish wives of Jewish men, and their offspring, who are  
considered "Jews" by the Reform movement -- they are certainly erev  rav.  The 
cruel and hard-bitten policemen who beat up passing men in the  vicinity of any 
demonstration just because those passersby "resemble" the  demonstrators 
(i.e., have beards and payos) are sometimes called Nazis by their  angry 
victims.  Likewise, some of the kids who were beaten,  in Amona  and in the tragic 
Gaza expulsion, by soldiers and police -- some of them yelled  "Nazi" at 
those who beat them.   I think I have pretty well exhausted  the range of 
occasions on which frum Jews ever refer to any non-frum Jews as  "erev rav" or 

--Toby  Katz

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