[Avodah] we live in good times

Marty Bluke marty.bluke at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 08:46:37 PDT 2009

R' Stuart Feldhamer asked:
<I believe it's an explicit pasuk in Nach that the walls of Y"M were
not destroyed on 17 Tamuz for the first destruction. Do you have any
sources for
the shiur?

There seems to be a machlokes the Bavli and the Yerushalmi regarding
this. The pasuk in Yirmiya says explicitly that the wall was breached
on the 9th of Tamuz and this is the way the Bavli assumes. However the
Yerushalmi makes a startling statement that what is written in the
Navi is wrong and the wall was really breached on the 17th. Tosafos in
Rosh Hashana states that the Navi knew the correct date but since the
people were mistaken as to the date the Navi recorded the incorrect

The Minchas Chinuch is bothered by a number of questions.
1. How can there be a machlokes R' Akiva and R' Shimon about what day
in Teves was observed (the tenth or the 5th)? Why didn't they just see
what people did?
2. According to the Bavli the walls of Yerushalayim in the first Beis
Hamikdash were breached on the 9th of Tamuz. If so, why do we fast on
the 17th? After all, the pasuk in Navi is clearly talking about what
happened during the first Beis Hamikdash and therefore the chiyuv mi
divrei sofrim should be on the 9th.

He answers that the Navi never set a specific day for the fast only a
month. That is why the pasuk only mentions months. After the churban
bayis sheini, chazal decided to set specific days for the fasts.

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