[Avodah] Tznius and Gender Roles

zeliglaw at aol.com zeliglaw at aol.com
Fri Jul 31 06:36:17 PDT 2009

WADR, the concept of spiritually equal but functionally distinct and gender defined roles can be traced to the dawn of the Jewish People, especially in the interactions between the Avos and Imahos, the latter who never flinched at disagreeing with the Avos on critical issues that had a major role in the development of the Bris Avos. Yet, the Imahos never demanded that they supplant the roles of the Avos. Miriam HaNeviah rallied the Jewish women long before Moshe Rabbeinu returned ti Egyot, inspired them to reject the Egyptian version of ZPG and led the women in their own shirah after the crossing of the Yam Suf. The Jewish women refused to participate in the episodes of the Golden Calf, the spies or Korach. Miriam criticized Moshe and was punished for doing do, but never sought to supplant Moshe Rabbeinu's role. 

 the time of their use.  There are numerous halachos and minhagim rooted in Tznius-the Kohen Gadol emtered the Kodesh HaKadoshim
by himself on YK. A Sefer Torah, to whom man is compared, stays in the Aron HaKodesh and is only
taken out and uncovered for the sole purposes of Krias HaTorah, public Talmud Torah and honoring
the Torah on Simchas Torah. The Challah, the Challah knife and the Shofar are also hidden until the time of their use. Public prayer and the prayer of the Tzibbur are not a substitute or replacement for the inner most recesses of man or woman talking to God in the course of private prayer.

Yes, we live in a generation where it is perceived, rightly or wrongly, that the only differences
between the genders are that a woman gives birth to a child. Yet, as RYBS, who was a huge advocate
of women learning Torah, reminded all who attended the levayah for the Rebbitzen of Talne, Zicronah Livrahca, that she personified the age old principal of Shma Bni Musar
Avicha Val Titosh Toras Imecha-the father may teach Hilcos Shabbos, but the mother passes on the aroma and atmosphere of Shabbos Kodesh.
WADR, at the risk of sounding like an advocate for early marriage ( i.e. while in college and grad school), at the expense of career development, any married woman who runs the house, works in or out of the house, raises a family, attends shiurim and shul is a spiritual leader who needs no titles. 

Steve Brizel
Zeliglaw at aol.com

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