[Avodah] Tznius and Gender Roles

Zeliglaw at aol.com Zeliglaw at aol.com
Wed Jul 22 17:43:11 PDT 2009

FWIW, one can find many Minhjagim that also have at least a tangential  
relationship to Tznius that we don't even think because  they occur on  a 
regular basis and we either don't think about or disregard the rationale of  the 
same. The Sefer Torah, to whom man is compared, is maintained in its own  
private room ,  taken out of and returned without anyone seeing its letters  
and not revealed except for the sole purpose of reading a portion. The Shofar 
 and the Challah knife are also hidden until the last possible  minute  
-for  the performance of a mitzvah. Tzitis, according to many Rishonim and  
Poskim , are also not to be revealed. There is a strong custom to cover the  
Tefilin Shel Rosh and many women have a custom to cover their eyes for a 
private  Tefilah or Techinah at the time of Hadlakas Neros. Many men also wear a 
Talis  over their head so that their kavanah is enhanced without any 
distractions. The  chasan and kallah both spend their first minutes as a couple 
after the the last  of the Sheva Brachos in the Cheder Yichud. The Kohen Gadol 
was able to achieve  his objectives out of the presence of the entirety of 
the Jewish People on Yom  HaKippurim. 
WADR, one can find many distinctions between the public and private realm  
in Halacha and Minhagim that have been practiced long before the rise of the 
 issues raised by the feminist critique of halacha and its obvious 
rejection of  gender based differences and the similarly based  critique of  Tznius.
Steve Brizel
_Zeliglaw at aol.com_ (mailto:Zeliglaw at aol.com) 
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