[Avodah] R Tzadok-TSBP

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 09:47:51 PDT 2009

> But Torah is Da'as Hashem, as is physics. I don't think physics will ever
> be complete, nor will there ever be a perfect mapping from the Torah to a
> mission statement. Approximations of the Divine Intellect, yes; but not
> actually getting there. Pragmatically, living a life lishmah requires
> finding that approximation, as I called it: "a mission statement I can
> actually encompass." Hillel gave one approximation. The Besh"t another,
> and the Gra a third. Vekhulu.
> -Micha"

IMHO Setting up a unified theory AND then pigenholing into it is mamash
misleading WADR to the g'dolim who did it!

The process might fit "man's search for meaning" but is bound to produce
the kind of error's such as Shaul being meracheim on Amaleik!

Another example
The C movement is caught up with using a meta-mitzva of bal tashchit
and not wasting money and having pity "al mammom yisroel" to be mamesh
mattir all kinds of s'feiqos in kashrus!

But we see from Mishnayos that in kodoshim a ta'aroves of 1 olah into a
1,000 hullin can cause all 1,001 to be destroyed!

Chassu al mamonam is therefore a bad use of meta-mitzva!

And I contend any use of overriding theories is bound to mess up the

OTOH Qoheles states specifically there is a time for everything. Thus,
the overriding point is that there is no single overrding middah for
every scenario!

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