[Avodah] psak and rationality

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 11:01:48 PDT 2009

> Pesaq more often comes down to the rules of authority rather than the 
> determination of truth.
Micha and I have oft debated this... 
So w/out taking a partisan POV, I wonder if there is a way to quantify
research into this. IOW can we say that out of 11,496 [illustration]
pisqei dinim in SA, how many are based upon svara vs. Authority of the
source. I'd be willing to bet that the "accepted practice" component
is the single biggest "determinator". Yet, no doubt that RY Caro,
over-weighted the authority of the Rif and the Rambam, so Micha is
essentially correct. I would just like to see that assertion quantified,
if possible
Gmar Tov 
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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