[Avodah] psak and rationality

Saul.Z.Newman at kp.org Saul.Z.Newman at kp.org
Thu Sep 24 12:38:24 PDT 2009

in relation to a  comment  that  a  certain gadol  paskened  that  goyim 
have different numbers of  teeththan jews , someone online  remarked--

Technically speaking, saying that Jews have a different number of teeth 
than non-Jews isn't irrational, it is empirically false

does a  posek's belief  in what  appears to be false  beliefs  figure in 
ones' assessment of whether one should generally follow  a particular 

is this maybe just  an eidah related issue  ie  some eidot  won't be 
bothered  by  such beliefs; and other eidot would never follow  such 
leaders anyways?

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