[Avodah] YT Sheini Shell Golah and the Internet

Marty Bluke marty.bluke at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 03:29:54 PDT 2009

Many people are assuming that when Moshiach comes many of the gezeros
d'rabbanan will be canceled. According to the Rambam this is simply
not true. The Rambam writes (Mamrim 2:3) that gezeros d'rabanan that
were made as a s'yag so that people should not violate an issur
d'oraysa can NEVER be repealed even by a beis din that is greater
b'chochma u'bminyan. This means that according to the Rambam when
moshiach comes little will change. We still have to observe ALL of the
s'yagim d'rabanan even if the reasons don't apply.

There is a machlokes rishonim whether the second day of yom yov is a
minhag or a real din d'rabanan. If the latter, then according to this
Rambam it cannot be repealed, and will apply even after moshiach.

Where the Rambam got this idea from is a very good question.

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