[Avodah] Investigating converts' sincerity

Michael Makovi mikewinddale at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 07:14:23 PDT 2009

With mamzerut, murder, adultery, etc., we often overlook the evidence.
In Makot, Rabbi Akiva says that he'd so thoroughly cross-examine the
witnesses that the **Biblical** death penalty is wiped off the books.
(Cf. the discussion of halakhah being used creatively to effectively
deactive old laws even as they technically remain on the books -

Why not do this with giyur?

Realize that we are cutting slack for mamzers, murderers, and
adulters, even though there is no mitzvah to love any of them. By
contrast, we DO have a mitzvah to love gerim. So if we ignore evidence
for murderers, why not do the same for gerim whom we are commanded to

And yes, there is a Biblical requirement to accept only kosher gerim,
but isn't there also a Biblical requirement to execute murderers and

I'm not saying we should just let anyone at all in. But why not be a
bit lax? That is, ask them if they'll be observant, but don't go over
them with a fine-toothed comb. And certainly, don't investigate them
after the fact; after the giyur, if someone comes with testimony that
the ger ate pork, just don't listen to the witness.

Michael Makovi

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