[Avodah] inconceivable-- Ben Sorer uMoreh

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Mon Aug 17 15:57:40 PDT 2009

Simon Montagu wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Michael Makovi<mikewinddale at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Rabbi Aharon
>> Lichtenstein and Rabbi Yehuda Amital posed the following question:
>> you're on a desert island, and so mishum eiva doesn't apply. What do
>> you do?
> Why does "lo p'log [plug?] hhachamim" not apply in this case?

Which chachamim?  Bear in mind that the halacha accepted by everybody
until about 1800 was that one may *not* do so, and *not* to worry about
eivah.  About that time the metzius of the nochrim seems to have changed
and the fear of eivah to have become more real, leading the poskim of
that time to rule that one may be mechalel shabbos for this purpose.
When that concern doesn't exist, what possible basis could there be
for a heter?!

Zev Sero                      The trouble with socialism is that you
zev at sero.name                 eventually run out of other people’s money
                                                     - Margaret Thatcher

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