[Avodah] Three Weeks and Private Aveilus

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 15:03:21 PDT 2009

Premise: Halachah kdvivrei hameikel b"aveilus

Question: Why are we not meikel like Sephardim to observe only shavua
shechol bo (or like Teimanim who allow meat and wine up to s'udah

A: Because Ashkenazim have traditionally treated aveilus derabbim as
stricter than aveilus deyachid. (Source R Dr E Kanarfogel - RDEK). And
as the trend is to give heterim for yechiddim this was not extended to
the 3 weeks.

This has something to do with history of Crusades etc. But especially
NOW - given the relatively recent holocaust - there is even more reason
to more.

Q: What about R Moshe Soloveichik?

A: IIRC he died before the Holocaust. Maybe he would have been more
machmir had he lived to witnessed the latest Churban!

Q: What's Your Proof?

A: Rav Schwab et. al. Opposed a yom hashoah. Rather they chose to lumpe
the sho'ah with tisha b'av and even added a kina. Certainly sounds
reasonable to think that they would either add a stringency or avoid a
leniency as part of that "lumping process"

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