[Avodah] bathing during the 9 days

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 08:43:40 PDT 2009

Eli T:
> From the OU site
>> Rav Moshe Soloveichik explained that the Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh Deah
>> 381:1) records the original Ashkenazic custom not to shower or bathe
>> for the entire Shloshim period. Therefore, the custom was to similarly
>> refrain from showering or bathing during the Nine Days. However, since
>> nowadays the custom is to shower immediately after Shivah and not to
>> be stringent in this regard during the Shloshim period, therefore
>> there is no reason to refrain from bathing during the Nine Days. The
>> old Nine Days custom no longer applies because it was based on a
>> mourning custom that is no longer observed."

WADR - Flawed logic:

Given - naniach:

Minhag X may have triggered minhag Y

But just because Minhag X has been subsequently been abandoned proves
NOTHING one way or the other about Minhag Y NOW!

Take this to its logical extreme and you could unravel most minhaggim!

Extreme Example:
Given that bigamy was an issue for R Gershom's era due to people still
fulfilling yibbum it was banned.

But since we subsequently abandoned yibbum in favor of halitza - therefore
other bigamy is now OK!


Too extreme?

So from this logic at least stop saying yekum purkan! :-)

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