[Avodah] Honest Weights and Amaleik

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 19:34:40 PDT 2009

My former Congregation in Washington Heights Inwood consisted of
German-Jewish survivors. In fact it was proverbially "built upon the
rubble of Krystalnach". Amaleik and Naziism was a very sensitive topic
3 times a year:
    Parshat Zachor
    Ki Teitze

Note in Devarim (mishneh Torah) we darshan "semuchot" (juxta-positions)

This "mini-catechism" below is derived from my drashot on Ki Teitze or
Parshot Zachor over the years.

This is certainly something to ponder for this Shabbat Hazzon!



Q: In Ki Teitze, Why does the parsha of Amaleik follow the mitzva of
honest weights and measures?

A: To teach us that when Israel practices its business dishonestly,
Amaleik (anti-Semites) may come out and attack us.

Q: This sounds fairly harsh! Does this mean that Dishonest Jewish
Businessmen create "anti-Semitism"?

A: Not as I see it. Rather, the anti-Semites always lurk in the
"woodwork". And then, if/when Israel is dishonest in business,
God's Divine protection is thereby withdrawn. This in turn triggers
anti-Semitic "action.". IOW the anti-Semites always exist in an inert
state - until Israel violates Honest Weights and Measures. Only then
Amaleik (or Nazis) rear their ugly heads and attack us.


Hashivenu Hashem Elecha v'nashuva...haddesh yamienu keqedem.

May we do Teshuva so as to merit the restoration of the Divine Magen
Avraham and the Divine Magen David.

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