[Avodah] tznius and gender roles

Dov Weinstock dov.weinstock at nycadvantage.com
Fri Jul 10 12:18:47 PDT 2009

RHS in the article Micha linked to states:

>>>Part of our obligation of v'holachto b'drachav, to imitate G-d, i.e. to
preserve and maintain those divine attributes that were implanted within us,
requires of us to lead private lives; not to be seeking the limelight; not
to be loud in speech, in dress, or in action. Hakadosh Baruch Hu is
described by the Navi Yehsaya as a "kel mistater".<<<

Bemichalat kvodo, God is also described as 'el nekamot'. Why choose one over
the other?
It seems to me that we should stick with the actual maaamar chazal on
veholachto bidrachav - mah hu rachum...ma hu chanun...
The very fact that halacha requires us to do certain things publicly
mitigates against the idea that our 'world view' prefers everything to be
done in private. I think a more subtle understanding of tzniut would be more

Dov Weinstock   

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