[Avodah] Challenge: Finding Spirituality w/o Qabbalah

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Thu Jul 9 15:42:48 PDT 2009

I once posted that the emes from Torah and from science by definition
cannot be in conflict because they both emenate from the same CREATOR.
(I hope that is not an emes Scotsman fallacy!  :-)

Same for nigleh and nistar. Aiui Rema says something similar and R
Eliyahu Touger says it befeirush re: science and torah in his intro to
Hil. Yesodei Hattorah...


My own list of spirituality "books, etc."

Esp. Tanna devei Eliyahu

Esp. Tehiilim shir hahsirim and Iyyov
And all of the shirim
(EG Az yashir, ha'azinu)

8 praqqim
Most of sefer mada
Moreh Nevuchim

Hovos Halevevos


Many piyyutim and liturgical pieces 

Note: Qallir might have used Qabbalah, so we might exclude his stuff.

Also Chasam Sofer apparently says that Ibn Ezra's tzam'ah nafshi is al
pi Qabbalah but I see that in a non-literal way as if to say it dovetails
with Qabbalah

Most Zemiros Shabbos are in that same vein.

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