[Avodah] Rabbi Akiva erred in identifying Bar Kochba as Moshiach

Doron Beckerman beck072 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 5 01:25:50 PDT 2009

Who says that he erred?

Some of the prominent people:
1) Meiri, Beis Habechira, intro to Avos s.v. Velu Hem Hanikraim
2) Abarbanel, Yeshuos Meshicho 2:4
3) The Arizal - Shaar Hagilgulim by R' Chaim Vital preface, letter 36; 38
4) Maharsha Chidushei Agados Sanhedrin 93b, s.v. Bar Koziva
5) R' Yaakov Sasportas, Tzitzas Noveil Tzvi (multiple times)
6) The Chavos Yair, Tziyunim Misefer Yair Nesiv
7) The Chacham Tzvi (quoted by R' Yaakov Emden, Toras Haknaos)
8) R' Yehonasan Eibshutz - Yearos Dvash section one drush 13
9) The Dubno Maggid - Ohel Yaakov Vayelech
10) The Malbim - Daniel 11:34
11) R' Chaim Palagi - Kol Hachaim Erech Hasagah
12) R' Tzadok - Or Zarua Latzadik Letter 5, s.v. V'hinei
13) R' Tzvi Kalisher - Drishat Tzion
14) The Ohr Sameach - Meshech chochmah Devorim 8:10
15) R' Chaim Soloveitchik - quoted by R' Yechezkel Abramsky, Kovetz Kol
Hatorah Nissan 5758
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