[Avodah] RHS and dairy

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Sun Sep 13 22:32:43 PDT 2009

In Avodah Digest, Vol 26, Issue 186 dated 9/11/2009

From:  Marty Bluke _marty.bluke at gmail.com_ (mailto:marty.bluke at gmail.com) 

>>  RHS holds like this because nowadays they do a procedure to all  cows
(something related to puncturing the stomach) that may make them  a
treifa. This is not a natural occurrence.<<
I know this has been discussed at length in many a learned article, but I  
still don't understand the basic point.  I thought the definition of  
"treifah" was that the animal had suffered a disease or injury that rendered it  
non-viable -- that it would soon die.  If this puncture leaves the cow  
alive, healthy, and producing milk for many years, I just don't understand how  
it could possibly be considered "treifah."  

--Toby  Katz


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