[Avodah] kitniyot

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 13:50:12 PDT 2009

Out f season, but  went this week to the Marzipan museum in the Galil.
Found out that almonds are made into a bread (marzipan is Italian and
the pan means
bread) which is then made into marzipan.

For those who avoid kitniyot because they can be made into a bread almonds
should also be prohibited (need a new recipe for charoses)

On another issue we walked a kilometer to a stream to find it all
dried up and no waterfall.
This after spending 18 days in Norway seeing hundreds of waterfalls
and fjords most days.
Absolutely beautiful country (got to say seh Maaseh bereshit several times).
Sorry on a purely physical level the Galillee is not in the same league as fjord
country especially Gerianger fjord

Eli Turkel

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