[Avodah] Standing For Qri'at Shma`
Gershon Dubin
gershon.dubin at juno.com
Tue Sep 23 14:30:50 PDT 2008
-- jay at m5.chicago.il.us (Jay F Shachter) wrote:
<<This could lead to everyone's standing for the Shma`,
as a xumra if nothing else, and our Sages did not want the community,
whom they loved, to be subjected to burdensome xumrot. The primary
concern was not the kavvana of the individual worshiper, it was the
comfort of the community>>
Not at all. Since insisting on standing for daytime Shema and sitting for evening Shema was the position of Beis Shammai, the sages did not want anyone following Beis Shammai, whose opinion is emphatically rejected lehalacha.
If you look at the Gemara there (Berachos 11a) you'll see how strongly the chachamim felt that one should not do like Beis Shammai. Nothing whatever to do with anyone's comfort, beloved or not.
gershon.dubin at juno.com
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