[Avodah] HaShem as God's Name
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Thu Sep 18 07:17:49 PDT 2008
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 01:35:00PM +0300, Danny Schoemann wrote:
: - Recently I have seen on the Omud and on the Paroches: Shivisi H'
: L'negdi Thomid.
: Whatever happened to the "Da Lifnei Mi Ato Omed"; realise in who's
: presence you are, which has the same affect and is more elegant.
You reminded me of something I just saw from "Tzava'at HaRivash, The
Testament of Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov", tr. R' Dovid Shraga Polter,
p. 1:
> "Shivisi - I have set G-d before me at all times." (Tehillim 16:8)
> Shivisi is an expression of hishtavus (equanimity): no matter what
> happens, whether people praise or shame you - or with anything else that
> comes your way - it is all the same to you. This applies likewise to
> food: whether you are eating delicacies or other things, it is all the
> same to you. For [with this perspective] the yetzer hara is entirely
> removed from you.
> Whatever may happen, say that "it comes from [G-d], blessed be He, and
> if it is proper in His eyes...." Your motives are altogether for the
> sake of Heaven, and as for yourself, nothing makes any difference.
> This [sense of equanimity] is a very high level.
Da lifnei Mi atah omeid doesn't have that connotation. However, it has
others dealing yichud hayodeia' vehaYadua and the Rambam's whole
approach of the tachlis of life to know Him, Hilkhos Dei'os, etc...
IOW, they should have different effects and affects.
Tir'u baTov!
Micha Berger Despair is the worst of ailments. No worries
micha at aishdas.org are justified except: "Why am I so worried?"
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