[Avodah] Y'fas To'ar

Ben Waxman ben1456 at zahav.net.il
Fri Sep 12 02:24:31 PDT 2008

Well we could it explain it by saying that Jewish soldiers throughout the 
ages were racists. But given that that particular paper was probably the 
biggest waste of trees every committed, then maybe not.

However, if I could point something about this situation - this captive 
woman is converted. She is converting to get married? Because she has no 
choice in the matter? Because she came to see that Torah is it? Or because 
the Torah itself is willing to go to extremes to preserve the Jewish family?

> The common thread of most responses regarding my being bothered by the
> laws of the y'fas to'ar is that it is beyond the soldier's control.
> So my question is:  Are you all saying that every soldier will be
> unable to control himself?  And how do you explain the soldiers who DO
> control their yetzer hara, assuming you believe there are some who can 
> control their yetzer hara?

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