[Avodah] length of the aron

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Fri Jul 25 09:49:30 PDT 2008

Alan Rubin wrote:

> Can we try a thought experiment here? Someone takes a 20 Amah length
> ruler into the KhK clearly marked in half amah divisions and lies it
> against the Aron. What do they see? What numbers are adjacent to the
> edges of the aron?

The gemara doesn't say.  I would *guess* that if you looked at the aron
then you would see that it starts at 8.75 and runs until 11.25, but that
if you then looked the space between it and the northern wall you'd see
that the northern edge was at the 10 mark, with all of its length south
of 10, while if you looked at the space to the south of it you'd see that
the southern edge was at the 10 mark and the whole length was north of 10.
But that's just a guess.  I don't suppose we'll ever have the opportunity
to carry out the experiment for real.

Zev Sero               Something has gone seriously awry with this Court's
zev at sero.name          interpretation of the Constitution.
                       	                          - Clarence Thomas

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