Cantor Wolberg cantorwolberg at cox.net
Sat Sep 27 23:34:38 PDT 2008

Tzvi Freeman wrote: "We don't like it when we lose something. We  
think, "What gain could there be in loss?" But loss, too, is a way of  
growth.Much of growth is simply learning to let go, to loosen the cord  
that ties you to your "stuff" -- to your material things. Such as this  
thing you are missing. Only once that is achieved can you emerge onto  
a higher plane, a plane open wide enough to contain more light and  
life than before. The divine energy that before brought a loss, can  
now bring -- openly and clearly -- a blessing and much gain."

The above is so apropos to what has happened to our economy and  
probably the worst situation since the Great Depression. However, this  
may be a blessing in disguise -- a message to let us know that we are  
NOT in control.  Only the Almighty is in control and when things get  
out of hand, then our material possessions get out of our hand.

This makes us more aware that our hand should be used more for giving  
tzedaka, putting on tallis and tefillin, cooking for Shabbos, sounding  
the shofar and compassionately putting your hand on the shoulder of a  
relative,  friend or unfortunate soul.


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