[Avodah] Free Will vs. Physics
T613K at aol.com
T613K at aol.com
Tue Sep 23 19:20:10 PDT 2008
On Tue, Sep 23, 2008, Moshe Y. Gluck wrote:
: First off, believing in free will doesn't mean believing that physics
: has no effect on a person's choices, just that there are also choices
: that a person makes independent of physics...
>>Physics limits free will -- I can't choose to fly just by flapping my
bare arms. But within the domain of options physics allows, my choices
are free.<<
Micha Berger
I believe that most of the decisions we make are actually forced decisions
and not the product of free will. Hakol b'yedei Shomayim chutz miyiras
You decide to fly to New York but a million things can happen -- you get
sick, break a leg, miss your flight, flight is canceled, there's a blizzard in
NY and your flight is diverted to Washington, yada yada. You decide to make
fish but the fish is spoiled, the stove won't work, the power just went out,
an emergency comes up and there's no time to cook, you make peanut butter
sandwiches for supper instead.....
The only sphere where you GENUINELY have bechira is in the sphere of Avodas
Hashem, choosing to serve Him or not. This is mostly mental. A person can
be paralyzed and unable to speak -- there is actually a man in my shul who is
in that matzav, a brilliant man, a talmid chacham -- but as long as he can
still even /think/, he has bechira. A lot of things happen as a /result/ of
your exercising your bechira, for example, you may decide to do a mitzva and
then actually do end up doing it. But it was equally possible that your
intentions would not pan out and would never come to fruition.
If you meant to do a mitzva and through no fault of your own you were unable
to complete the action, you still get schar, whereas if you meant to do an
aveira and it didn't work out, you don't get onesh for your thoughts. But in
any case it is only an illusion that walking, talking, doing, are all
dependent on your bechira. Only the thought, the intention, the desire are
dependent on your own bechira. Whether it all comes into actuality is not up to you.
Once I made a kugel for a friend who had just given birth, and on my way to
her house, my car hit a bump and the kugel fell off the front seat and landed
splat, upside down on the floor of my car. That was "physics." But
physics is just the way that HKBH "hides" Himself in the world. Famously, the word
for world, olam, means "hidden." Physics is another way of looking at
All this is moot in actual practice, because -- since we are not privy to
Hashem's intentions -- we have no choice but to proceed through life AS IF we
have free will in every area, including whether to get up or go to sleep or
make a kugel or call a friend or buy this house or take this job
or......whatever. The knowledge that ultimately your steps are guided from Above makes no
/practical/ difference.
I heard a great quote this past weekend from a guest, don't know who said
it, but here it is: "We have to believe in free will. We have no choice."
--Toby Katz
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